Sunday, April 12, 2009

We are live!

Ok, so after 6 months of constant reminders, I am finally starting a baby blog for Brayden! For those of you on Facebook, you know I am obsessed with uploading pictures, so hopefully I will be as diligent in updating the blog on a regular basis. I am also going to go backwards in time and try to update the last 6 months the best I can. Right now, Lenore and Brayden are in Toronto, CA with Lenore's family for Easter. From what I hear, they spent Saturday at Uncle Addy and Cheryl's house with among others, Omama (Lenore's mother) and Opa Don (Lenore's stepfather). After an afternoon with the De Rooy clan, Lenore headed back to Uxbridge to spend the night with the Grandpa Ray and Grandma Lorna. Brady was also lucky enough to share his cousin Benny's second birthday as Jess and Andy came down from Quebec for the holiday's. Heather, Kim, Karen and Andrea (Lenore's friends) also made guest appearances, although it was already past Brady's bedtime. Today, Lenore spent the day with the Deffner's again, with Amy and Jay stopping by for a few hours to visit their favorite "nephew." Although Daddy is enjoying his "free" time, he misses momma and his little man very much. Hopefully he won't grow too much in the four days he is gone!

1 comment:

The Drenzek Family said...

yay! baby blogs! may you do a better job staying on top of your than i do of mine... i still need to post stuff about baby #2... ugh.