Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cherryblossoms in DC - April 5, 2009

Although Justin has lived in the D.C. area his whole life, today he joined Brady, Oma and Opa (Lenore's grandparents) for all of their first visit to the Cherry Blossoms downtown.  Although there was  a little nip in the air and a ton of wind, we had beautiful blue skies and a perfect day. We walked around the entire tidal basin, losing Oma along the way as she scooted forward with Brady's stroller through the crowds. We enjoyed salami sandwiches and bananas (with Brady feasting on momma's milk) by the water and under the blossoms. After lunch, I decided to play with Brayden and got some amazing shots lifting him up to the blossoms. We got tons of giggles, smiles and some amazing pictures. We also walked around the monument and Oma and Opa got a distant view of the White House. Brayden was a trooper as he spent most of the day in his stroller and the other part in Mommy and Daddy's arms. After a long day, we had a sleepy boy, sleepy grandparents and a sleepy mommy and daddy ;)

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